
Our regular City Talks and City Minutes podcast series explore the key issues facing cities and towns in the UK and beyond, with experts and leading thinkers in the field.


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Detroit has recovered from bankruptcy since 2013
City Talks: Detroit’s recovery from bankruptcy

Chief Executive Andrew Carter is joined by James L. Tatum III, Director of Detroit Bureau at the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, for a discussion about Detroit, a place which suffered the...

Podcast 10 Jun 2024

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Detroit has recovered from bankruptcy since 2013
City Talks: Detroit’s recovery from bankruptcy

Chief Executive Andrew Carter is joined by James L. Tatum III, Director of Detroit Bureau at the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, for a discussion about Detroit, a place which suffered the...

Podcast 10 Jun 2024
City Talks
City Talks: The UK’s towns tsar

Series: City Talks

The Government has a £1.5bn long-term plan for towns. So, how should we be thinking about towns and should this shape the work of Centre for Cities?

Podcast 15 Apr 2024